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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  November 21, 2017 6:30pm-6:59pm EST

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>> drumstick, you are hereby pardoned. ( applause ) this is the "cbs evening news."
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>> well, he denies. he denies it. and by the way, he gives a total denial. and i do have to say 40 years is a long time. he has run eight races and this has never come up. >> reporter: the president also said he welcomed recent scrutiny of sexual misconduct. >> women are very special. i think it's a very special time because a lot of things are coming out, and i think that's good for our society, and i think it's very, very good for women. and i'm very happy a lot of these things are coming out. >> reporter: it's a different tone than what was captured on the now-infamous 2005 "access hollywood" tape. ( laughter )
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fake news. >> reporter: today, the president said moore's conservative credentials should be the deciding factor for voters and wouldn't rule out campaigning for moore before the december 12 election. it's an endorsement his daughter ivanka declined to give last week, telling the associated press: >> reporter: president trump also said today that congress should reveal the names of lawmakers who have settled sexual harassment cases. now, the president's own lawyers are fighting a similar request regarding trump campaign documents made by one of the women who accused the president of misconduct. anthony. >> mason: margaret brennan at the white house. thanks, margaret. cbs news today fired correspondent charlie rose over accusations of sexual misconduct. and new accusers came forward, this time women who work
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cbs. rose apologized yesterday, then last night, he appeared to deny what he did was wrong. here's bianna golodryga. >> how you doing, mr. rose? >> how are you? >> reporter: while charlie rose returned home to this last night... >> do you want to say anything to those accusers, the people accusing you of all these wrongdoings. >> it's not wrongdoing. >> reporter: he was noticeably absent from his usual spot on "cbs this morning." >> welcome, to "cbs this morning." >> reporter: and coanchor norah o'donnell didn't waste any time explaining why. >> cbs news has suspended our cohost charlie rose over allegations of sexual misconduct. >> reporter: hours later, he was fired. cbs news president david rhodes said in a statement:
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after that statement, at least three women who asked not to be identified said they experienced unwanted sexual contact from rose while working at cbs news. eight women who either worked for his independently produce show on pbs or wanted to told "the washington post" they faced his unwanted sexual advances from the late 1990s to 2011. they accused him of groping their breasts, buttocks, and genital areas and walking around nieked while they were either working at his home on traveling on business. in his own statement t "the pos" rose apologized for his inappropriate behavior and said he was greatly embarrassed, although he added, "i do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate." "washington post" reporter amy britten cowrote the story. >> within an hour or two after our publication of our story, my in box was already flooded with dozens of emails from individuals who wanted to reach out to us.
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being noticed or reported? >> within the office, this was relatively pretty well known. and i think that many of them had a tremendous fear about speaking out against someone as powerful as mr. rose. >> reporter: at the "charlie rose show," a small group of employees answered directly to executive producer yvette vega, who said she deeply regrets not helping them. sexual harassment in the workplace has been a subject rose has not shied away from on his show, like recently when he talked with author tina brown about movie mogul harvey weinstein. >> why didn't this come out sooner? >> he was very intimidating. i mean, let's make no mistake about it. >> reporter: two of the women who came forward at cbs say they are not ready for the details of their allegations to be made public. but a third woman alleges rose whispered a sexual innuendo while touching at the inappropriately at a work-related event. we reepped out to charlie and have not heard back. we should also note that pbs has pulled the
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anthony, as personal as this story swe will continue to cover it here diligently at cbs. >> mason: we will, bianna. thanks. as bianna reported, this was a very difficult day for "cbs this morning" cohosts gayle king and norah o'donnell. they worked closely with charlie for more than five years and consider him a friend, but they made it clear this morning they have no tolerance for sexual abuse. >> this is a moment that demands a frank and honest assessment about where we stand and, more generally, the safety of women. let me be very clear: there is no excuse for this alleged behavior. it is systemic and pervasive. ask i've been doing a lot of listening, and i'm going to continue to do that. this i know is true: women cannot achieve equality in the workplace or in society until there is a reckoning and a taking of responsibility. i'm really proud to work at cbs news. there are so many incredible people here, especially on this show. all of you
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this will be investigated. this has to end. this behavior is wrong. period. >> i-- i certainly echo that, and i-- i have to say, norah, i really am still reeling. that said, i think we have to make this matter to women, the women who have spoken up, the women who have not spoken up because they're afraid, oim i'm hoping that now they will take the step to speak out, too. you know, i've enjoyed a friend help and a partnership with charlie for the past five years. i've held him in such high regard, and i'm really struggling because how do you of do you-- what do you say when someone that you deeply care about has done something that is so horrible? that said, charlie does not get a pass here. he doesn't get a pass because i can't stop thinking about the anguish of these women, what happened to their dignity, what happened to their bodes, what happened, maybe, to even their careers. i can't stop thinking about that and the pain that they're going through. >> mason: gayl
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sexual assault in this country is epidemic. it happens, on average every 98 seconds. most attackers are not well known, but often they are known to their victims. jericka duncan visited the cleveland rape crisis center. >> reporter: how many of you all were sexually assaulted, by show of hands, by someone that you knew and someone that you trusted? what happened? >> my first experience of being sexually violated goes back to the age of five. >> i was abused by a man who lived in my neighborhood. >> i was molested by my mother's boyfriend. >> i was abused by a family member. >> i was raped by a can worker at my old job. >> i was sexually assaulted five and a half years ago by a coworker of my husband. >> i'm a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and rape. it was from an older boy that lived in the
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other people walk through this darkness because it was horrible. >> reporter: do you think there are actually more male victims of sexual abuse and rape than what's reported? >> i do. it's something that's very hard for men to face, and if you were to come out and say something, it chips away from your masculinity. >> i feel like the biggest lesson that i had to learn was that the real victory was me breaking the silence. there are checks that are starting to happen in society, especially with all of the major news event events that are comi, and i think that is great that it's getting so much attention. but there is still a culture of victim blaming. >> the way people are responding to the celebrities and people who have a name, i really wish society would respond to our everyday survivors the same way. so it's like we create a hierarchy for survivors in our
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a certain way, come from a certain background for you to get that attention. >> none of us are, like, tv personalities, so that's a beautiful thing, let people know you don't have to be rich, you know, you don't have to be in the spotlight. violation is violation. rape is rape. >> sexual assault and abuse and rape is really about the power and the control, not the sex. so to see that being exposed on such a huge level and such a consistent level brings me joy because it feels like, okay, now we can get real. now we can really have conversations. now we can stop, you know, having all these little whispers or making it be about the person who is raped is damaged goods. no, how about the person who did the raping has a problem? >> reporter: unfortunately, finding those people that you just heard from was not difficult. we partnered with the cleveland rape crisis center, where last year, more than 36,000 people
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anthony. >> mason: jericka duncan in cleveland tonight. thanks. you can see much more of ?e reeka's interview on cbsn, and if you subscribe to the podcast on itunes. the house ethics committee today began investigating sexual harassment complaints against michigan democrat john conyers. he admitted today his office settle aid complaint involving a staffer sid bit said it was to avoid a long court case. he denied doing anything wrong. he has been in congress since 1965. there is unease tonight in many haitian neighborhoods from new york to florida. the trump administration says it's cancelling a humanitarian program that's allowed thousands of haitians to live in the u.s. vladimir duthiers reports they could be deported if they don't leave by july of 2019. >> reporter: today, haitians protested the trump administration's decis
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or t.p.s., for nearly 60,000. >> my mother felt it wasn't a safe place for me and my sister to stay. >> reporter: 19-year-old long island resident stephane rony casseus came here when he was 11. >> get out! >> reporter: with the 2010 earthquake killed and injured over 300,000, including his father. neez college now, has a job, and pays taxes. >> the haitian people deserve better, and that's what i intend to give them. >> reporter: in september 20 16, then-candidate donald trump spoke to a group of haitians in florida, promising to be their voice. but now, many in the community feel betrayed. >> oh, i have. >> reporter: new york assembly woman's district has over 1,000 haitians protected by t.p.s. >> they are fellow new yorkers, so it hurts to us know we're sending these people back to nothing. >> reporter: stephanei
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there for him or his family. >> what am i going to do in hate ?e there's nothing in haiti. >> reporter: if 60,000 haitians are forced to return to haiti the concern by some members of congress is the country devastated by earthquake, disease, and unemployment will not be able to take in those rushing home anthony. >> mason: vladimir duthiers, thanks, vrad. the president of zimbabwe, robert mugabe, resigned today. there were celebrations in the capital as word spread. now 93, mugabe led zimbabwe since its independence from britain in 1980. his government was accused of rampant corruption and blamed for a collapsing economy. still ahead on the cbs affect news, as the holiday rush begins, we check airport security. and hackers take uber for a ride. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain
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>> mason: 26 million people are expected to pass through t.s.a. checkpoints over th
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they may face new screening procedures. the t.s.a. is facing new questions about security breaches. kris van cleave spoke with the new administrator. >> reporter: is the t.s.a. failing at their central job of detecting threats at the checkpoints? >> no, i don't think t.s.a. is failing at the central job at all. >> reporter: new t.s.a. administrator david pekoske defended his agency's ability to detect prohibited items at checkpoints. a recent classified report found undercover agents smuggled mock explosives and weapons through security at least 70% of the time. >> they know our standard operating procedures and they know the capabilities of our equipment. they test is based on that, so it's a tough test. >> reporter: the agency scored only marginally better than it did in toasts two years ago when mock explosives got by screeners 95% of the time. florida senator bill nelson: >> i'm just amazed that a terrorist has not come through a checkpoint. and done some very bad things on
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his concern, and that's the reason for the enhanced training and the changed procedures because the procedures we use today were not-- are not the procedures that were in place when that testing was done. >> reporter: pecasky says the t.s.a. is working to lower its high turnover rate among screeners. it's also focused on new detection technology, like these body scanners currently being tested that could one day scan passengers as they walk by, and 3d ct scanners for carry-on bags that provide a clearer, zoomable, 360-degree view inside a bag. people coming to the airport this week may see new procedures at the checkpoint that includes taking electronics larger than a cell phone out of your carry-on bags. also any food jms to come out. that could add to the wait times at the lines. the t.s.a. says get sot airport at least two hours before your flight. >> mason: still ahead, uber admits it was hacked ask tried to cover it up.
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hackers stole the personal information of 57 million passengers and drivers last year. cbs news has learned the company did not tell government regulators, but instead paid the hackers $100,000 to delete the information and keep the breach quiet. no credit card or financial information was stolen, just email addresses and phone numbers. president trump kept up a holiday tradition today with the first lady and their son, barron, looking on. he granted a pardon to turkeys drumstick and wish bone. sparing the gob lers from become the gobbleees at thanksgiving dinner. we'll be right back. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown
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>> mason: we began the broadcast with stories of sexual abuse. we end with women who have faced it, professionals targeted on the job. they talked to our alex wagner. >> when i started work on wall street, i-- i remember one day leaning over a desk to work on a spreadsheet, and turning around and there was a guy behind me pretending to perform a sex act on me with all the other guys watching and all the other guys laughing. and this sense of incredible shame. >> you felt ashamed? >> absolutely, and how could i have leaned over the desk like that? >> there's a problem in that we're kind of acultrated from the time we're growing up, if this locker room talk starts in high school with men thinking it's okay to over-sexualize women, like, what did we think was going to happen 30 or 40 years later when they
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the aboardroom. >> look, if you had women on the boards in those companies, you would not have had the kind of payouts. you would not have had the hush money that went on at weinstein or miramax for years if a woman had been on that board. there's no way. >> while we have victims or survivors coming forward and saying, "me, too." we need men to say, "i did that." we need men to step forward and to see themselves in these stories. >> reporter: we're different ages but we all know about anita hill, we know about bill clinton, we know about bill cosby. what makes this moment different? >> what's different about this moment is we have a way to express our voices. what's also different about this moment is women are rallying around each other, and i don't think that would have happened if not for this last election. >> reporter: what happens next for the victims? >> i've just come around to the anger. i really, really struggle, and i don't know if it's ever going to go away. and i think that's an important thing for people to understand
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the moment you speak up. it's almost a moment that you speak up that you can actually start to process. >> reporter: do you think that you can get to a point where this isn't the thing that you think defines you? >> i hope so. i really do. >> you will! >> yeah, and i-- seeing you guys and just listening to everything that you've been talking about, it-- it almost makes meantime to cry because i know that we can do what we need to do to make sure this never happens again, so that not one person has to come up and say, you know, me, too." and i am just very empowered by listening to you guys. >> mason: five professional women talking to alex wagner about sexual abuse and a paradigm shift in this country. that's the cbs evening news. i'm anthony mason in new york. thank you for watching. good night.
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♪[ music ] none of us ever thought we'd be sitting at this table in particular, telling this story, but here we are. charlie does not get a pass in this. we're all deeply affected. we're all rocked by this. >> i can tell you one thing for sure. we don't need a liberal person in there. a democrat. roy moore denies it. that's all i can say. he denies it. and by the way, he totally denies it. ♪ [ music ] hello, and thanks for joining us for off script. i'm bruce johnson. lots to cover this evening, let's get started. president trump broken his silence, and endorsed roy moore in the senate race. and charlie rose has been fired by cbs


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